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This patch:
0000 Arts Collide International 0001 Solo Show: Pique Nique pour les Inconnues 0010 Resolution Studies 0011 Lexicon of Glitch Affect 0100 Updated Bibliography
![]() 0000 Arts Collide International :: Shadow Knowledge
Lets start this patch with some ☺ updates!!
I am so thankful and excited to win the incredible Collide International award and residency. I can't wait for my time at Cern and Fabra i Coats, its more than a dream come true. It means so much to me and for my research to obtain acknowledgement from these institutions.
The first part of my residency will start really soon, already in a couple of weeks, and I am planning to post little updates, so please subscribe to Resolution Updates if you are interested!
Statement from CERN: "According to the jury, comprised of Monica Bello, Arts at CERN, Oriol Gual, director of La Capella in Barcelona, Joana Hurtado, director of Fabra i Coats and Helga Timko, CERN physicist, the winning artist demonstrated a sophistication of concept and approach. Menkman’s topic focused on the idea of resolution, which resonates with CERN’s quest to perform research from the smallest to the largest scale. They found Menkman’s argument about the significance and purpose of scientific measurement and how information is filtered in and out of an experiment inspiring."
About Shadow Knowledge: Shadow Knowledge is a research into how to perceive the shadows; the fringes of what is enlightened (or not in the dark) but also knowledge of what exists in the shadows....
Discussions about what is "real" are often fuelled by the use of terms like “hyperreal”, “fake” or "alternative facts". As a result, the 2010s have become a very interesting decennium for images of "reality". As it turns out Standard Models need extensions, fields of knowledge can scale and vision can reach beyond the unseeable. Take for instance the discovery of the Higgs boson particle (2012) or the capturing of the shadow of a black hole (2019) - these are examples of when science and imagination cross and together shatter norms previously thought of as 'universal realities'. Even for the laymen, realities should now finally be understood as complex and multiple. And because of this, we need space for Shadow Knowledge - knowledge derived from objects of unsupported dimension and scale. In the shadows, things lack definition. The shadows offer shady outlines that can function either as vectors of progress or as a paint by numbers.
0010 Resolution Studies
Since 2018 I have a fulltime position as substitute professor New Media at the KHK. During this time I made a giant overhaul of my portfolio.
All my work is now available at Beyond Resolution.
// I am publishing the slides of the curriculum of Beyond Resolution, the course I am teaching at the KHK and other presentations here.
// A general chapter on Resolution Studies can be found here.
![]() 0011 Lexicon of Glitch Affect
This Lexicon offers an insight into the development of meaning in the aesthetics of distortion and glitch in Sci-Fi movies throughout the years, via an exhaustive analysis of hundreds of Sci-Fi Trailers of over 20 years of Box Office successes. For every distortion seen in a trailer trailer I uploaded a screenshot and a description.
In a compendium that I wish to extend to start with trailers from 1978, I reviewed 30 trailers per year to obtain an insight into the development of noise artifacts in Sci-Fi from before the arrival of the home computer, to Sci-Fi adopting the contemporary aesthetics of our ubiquitous digital devices.
My source for the trailers is the Internet Movie Database, where I accessed lists of the top-US Grossing Sci-Fi Titles per year. When watching these trailers I took screenshots whenever a distortion occured, and when possible interpreted them. Currently the database includes findings from research done into 630 trailers (1998-2018).
Rosa Menkman, 2019.
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Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund.