Workshops & guest lectures Winter Semester 2019. 

Genre vs memes

presentation by Mike Hunteman: 9x16 Verticality and the Paradigm of Mobile Video 
[[as part of the resolution studies colloquium]]


reading: a short introduction to magic, rituals, witchcraft. 

[[as part of the resolution studies colloquium]]

(Virtual) Materials

Included a workshop on shaders with Isi Per and Jasper Meiners || etherpad notes || Slides by Jasper and Isi 
and a reading: Gottlied, Baruch. DIGITAL MATERIALISM:  chapter 5. (2018) [[as part of the resolution studies colloquium]]

(Digital) Light

 [[as part of the resolution studies colloquium]]

(Analogue) Light Sculptures and Light Perception 

[[part of the resolution studies colloquium]]

Whiteout (oversaturation and lack of information)

read: Menkman, Rosa. Whiteout (2019). [[part of the resolution studies colloquium]

Impossible Images

[[part of the resolution studies

read: Paglen, Trevor. Invisible Images:(2016)

(a work in progress)
A  growing collection of impossible images illustrating the diverse array of limits on resolution, ‘impossibility’, ‘image’ (which ranges from photograph to dataset), and imaging technology (from huge dipole magnet telescopes to detectors connected to the LHC).
So far I have abstracted these categories of impossible images:
Images that were deemed impossible, or erroneous, because they do not represent the world as we thought we knew it (images caused by unknown or misunderstood aberration) important: the “image of trace evidence” (evidence of event and the event of evidece)
Historically impossible images, that today have become possible
Soon to be resolved (made possible), but right now impossible images
Images that will become possible in the future, but that are impossible today.
temporarily impossible images due to political / financial constraints
Inferential impossible images (an image of the shadow of an object that cannot be ‘imaged’)
Images that have indefinitely become impossible due to (technological / political) resolutions.

images that are impossible due to the laws of physics, nature or reality - but that can be ‘doctored’.

Speculative Impossible Images
These images might be created, or that might never be created - depending on the finding of proof for a particular theory.
images that will remain impossible and that  cannot be doctored. An image of the Quantum Vacuum at the planck constant time (the smallest slice of time).